Westile in Louisiana

Westile’s professional staff is committed to providing you with the solution and tools, along with the quality products and services, you deserve.

Westile Plaza Paver

Plaza Pavers

Plaza Pavers™ are high density concrete pavers that have a minimum compressive strength of 8000 psi. It is suited for use as a plaza deck component providing a durable yet elegant roof surface.


Building plaza decks over occupied space has never been easier. The unique screw-to-adjust feature eliminates tedious and time-consuming installation often associated with constructing level decks over sloping surfaces. 

Westile Pedestal
Commercial Roofing Materials


Mark Bennett - Commercial Roofing Material Sales Rep

Mark Bennett

Westile Sales Rep

GB Roofing Sales - Commercial Roofing Solutions
Providing Quality Commercial Roofing Material Sales in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Western Tennessee, & Florida Panhandle